Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Maze

My parents and I where being chased.  We went through a door and found an interesting room.  We shut the door and waited just a sec and then opened it he was still out there wanting to kill us.  Then we saw another door at the end of the room.  We went through it but it was just another room.  We kept going through door after door until we were lost.  Then we ended up in a room where I saw some friends and their son.  I was so excited to see them.  They asked why I was so excited that they had only been in here 5-6 hours.  I informed them that they had disappeared over 6 months ago.  We didn't understand it but we did decided that we should stay together.  We were going through door after door and then I looked away for a sec and turned back and everyone was gone.  The room we were in had 3 doors on the left wall 2 doors on the right and the one behind me.  I didn't know which one they went through.  Then a door opened and a black man and child came out.  I asked if he had seen my family and he said no.  He asked if I had seen his wife and I said no.  then a different door opened and his wife came out.  Her family was so excited to see her.  I asked if she saw mine and she said yes that they where 2 rooms down this door.  so, the black family took me to my family.  She was right only 2 rooms and there they were.  I gave everyone a big hug.  Now, all the families decided to stay together.  I found some paper and a pen and started drawing the rooms and doors.  Then at one point I stopped everyone.  I informed them that I had been drawing a map and now the map was complete.  That we had been going in circles pretty much.  I told them that if we go through that door we would need to go down several rooms to the door my family came in through but that I was afraid that the guy that was trying to kill us was still there.  That the only other door was a door over in another room.  The black family and our friends said that was the way they came.  The both then said that it wasn't possible because they lived in different parts of the united states.  We decided to go to the door that they came in.  When we got to the room with the door everyone wanted to go through a different door.  I stopped them and said that that wasn't the door.  They said they had a huge pull for that door.  Even I wanted to go through the other door but it wasn't the one on the map that we had decided to take.  I then told them that something was keeping us here and making us go in circles.  They decided to trust me and we took the door on the map.  We went through several doors and then finally I opened a door and the sun came through the door.  I stopped everyone before we went through.  I asked a man on the other side of the door where I was out.  He said London England.  I asked what year it was and it was 6 years from when my family started.  I keep the door opened and told everyone what I had learned.  I said that the time within this maze of rooms was different than the outside.  That we could take our chances and go to the other door and that it may be less than 6 years or it would be more.  We all decided we wanted out.  So, we stepped out into the world.  We asked where the American Embassy was because we didn't have passports to get home.  We finally was able to get home.  When we arrived at the airport in our small town my husband and kids was waiting for me.  My daughter who was 3 was now 9.  My son who was 9 was now 15.  I had lost 6 years of them growing up.  I saw my husband and gave him a really big hug and kiss.  Then there was an awkwardness.  He said that 2 years ago he remarried and his wife stepped forward.  I asked him if he had gotten a divorice from me, and he said no we thought you where dead.  Then I asked our preacher who was there that had married him and his new wife what to do.  He said that since my husband had never gotten a divorice that the new marriage wasn't legal and that he was still married to me.  We all went back home but decided that we would all sleep in seperate rooms until we decided what to do.  I couldn't sleep so I decided to call my friends son who had been stuck in the maze with me.  He came and picked me up and we went riding and talking for a while. 

****  I woke up so this is where my dream ends  ******

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