Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Mistake

Hello, I am just a stay-at-home housewife. I somewhat homeschool my son I have actually called it a hybrid school because even through he is home with me and I am his main teacher he attends a virtual public school. Yep, that's right he is both in a public school and at home. This keeps me pretty busy but he has grown to be very independent so I have picked up a little side job.

The job really isn't much but it at least gives me some spending money. An educational supply company emails me a request for flashcards. Some flashcards may have the definitions with them others just pictures and words. Nothing dangerous or really hard, plus they are only educational flashcards. However, I think I made a mistake or something.

Today started like any other day. Luke, my son, was going to his acting class so I had dropped him off and was back home for a few hours. I started working on a set of educational cards that the company had sent over to me. As I was working on my computer I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I went from the office area of my bedroom to the top of the stairs. There I saw a shadow. Who was in my house? Then I noticed that there was more than one shadow and that they were moving towards the stairs. I didn't panic I quickly went to the other stairs. I had two options. One, I could go into the panic room that was just off the other set of stairs or go straight out the door at the bottom of the stairs. I had a decision and didn't have time to think about it.

I went down the stairs as fast as I could and opened the door. I then went into the panic room. Maybe at least they would think I had went outside. The panic room was really neat. If you didn't know it was there then you would never see it. It actually had all the comforts of home in just a small room. Food, water, refrigerator (small), canned food, battery operated lights. See you can use this room when there is bad weather or for times like these. The other really neat thing about this room is that I have hidden cameras all over the house and outside the house and I have a monitor in which I can see whats going on and hear what anyone is saying.

I quickly turned the monitor on hopefully to see who was in my house and what they wanted. I am praying and saying just take the cheap jewelry and go. I finally found them they where in my bedroom at my computer. I heard the dark haired one say, "Yep, this is the right house. She has already started on another set of flashcards." What does that mean. How does he know I do flashcards?

The blonde hair one then spoke up, "See if you can find the set. The company wants all traces of these cards erased."

I had so many questions at this point. What set? What company? The company I worked for? This just didn't make any sense.

The dark haired guy said, "Forget it we'll just take the whole thing. Make the place look like a robbery and let's go."

"What about Cindy. We were told to take care of her too and I don't think she is here," said the blonde guy.

"We'll have to deal with her later, but right now we need to take care of the cards. Now, destroy this place, Joe."

Great! I had at least a first name, Joe is the blonde guy. But, I still don't know what they want. I could still see that they where in the bedroom. But wait, they think I'm not here. I need to close the door. I quickly opened the panic room and shut the door going outside and then returned to the panic room. I watched as the guys trashed my home and then got into their car which was up on the hill and take off. Good they where gone but they where still after me. What was I going to do. I still don't know what flashcard set they wanted nor why?

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