Friday, August 27, 2010

Dimension Holes

Imagine a world where people are always afraid, always carrying a gun, but trying to go about a normal daily life. The year is 2756 and scientist have discovered that other dimensions do exist. They have for a few years been sending things across to the other dimensions. They don't know how many there are but they have deduced that there could be millions. However, by sending objects into these other dimensions the thin membrane that divides each dimensions has started to collapse. Governments of the world is actually working together to strengthen the membrane but do so that they would have certain locations that things or eventually people could pass through. Their has been rumors of strange happenings taking place all over the world. People disappearing and no body being able to locate them anywhere. People have started saying that these lost people have fallen through the membrane into another dimension but the government has issued statements that this could not happen. That people can not go through this membrane and that nothing is wrong with the membrane. The only thing is the government is running out of time. The disappearances are being more frequent lately and their is a bizarre twist. There are no reports of people observing in horror the crossing overs.

One dusty evening a mother and daugther was traveling together. Someone how they had gotten a hold of a device that could detect dimensional holes. They had heard of a place where the membrane hadn't been distrube and it was the last place on Earth that wasn't effected. They where trying to get there and start a new life. They had been warned not to trust anyone and that some people who where caught in these membrane holes where taking people with them, even whole families crossing over at once. They really didn't believe this but they didn't want to take any chances so they keep to themselves. This particular evening Sandy, the mother, had noticed that they where being followed. All of a sudden a man jumps out and grabs the girl. The mother notices a plusing glow from the guys neck and that he is fading in and out. This guy was being pulled into a whole that must have formed inside his body and now he was going to take her little girl. Jack jumped out from behind the mother to which the mother screamed. Jack said "I'm here to help, don't worry". The girl was now starting to pulse in and out of phase too but not as bad as the guy. The little girl was screaming for her mom and trying to get away from the guy. Jack raised his arm and shot the guy. The guy disappeared all of a sudden and the little girl jumped back into phase with this dimension. She ran over to her mother and grabbed her with a big hug, crying. Sandy thanked Jack for saying her little girl. jack asked them where they where going because it wasn't safe for them to travel alone. She told him of the safe place. Jack said he didn't esist but they started off anyone. Jack walked the other way thinking crazy mother, but then he couldn't do it. He caught up to the mother and told her he would take her to this place just to prove he was right. The mother was grateful that Jack would be traveling with them.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Alien love

I was an attorney working on a case. My client was a very nice looking guy and I couldn't imagine that he had done these things. There weren't serious but just serious enough. He was so sweet and kind, but I had to defend him with the facts not his personality.

I worked in a large building and the section I was in was always busy. People running and hurrying to get from the court, to their office or just to grab something to eat. Stopping to talk or chit chat about upper management. There was no stillness in this place.

As I arrived this morning I wasn't in a good mood. The day before I had lost my purse and it hadn't been returned. I couldn't believe that it had been stolen nor could I think of any place that I had sat it down so that he could be stolen. Of course there were criminals but they where always escorted by one of us at all times. We where trained not to take our eyes off of them, but somehow, somewhere one of them got my purse. I say it was one of them because I can't believe one of my own co-workers would take it.

My client hadn't arrived yet so I went to the bathroom. This was a very interesting bathroom. The first stale was different than anyone had seen before. Where you sat on the toilet there was a brick wall but only a few feet away there was a window into the hall way. This is where it gets interesting. The covering for the window allowed the people in the bathroom to see out into the hallway but it didn't let the people in the hallway see the people in the bathroom. Also objects could pass from the inside of the bathroom through this window but not visa-versa. Yes, it was an interesting bathroom the rest of the bathroom was just like a regular restroom.

As I sat on the toilet thinking about my plans that day I happened to look down and see my purse. Ok, that weird how did it get there? Did I leave it there yesterday? I couldn't remember but I was happy to find it. As I leaned down to retrieve my purse, hoping the nothing had been stolen out of it, I saw a red blinking light coming from within it. What was this? I didn't have anything in my purse that has a blinking light. I grabbed this small object from my purse. I had never seen anything like it. It was in the shape of a rectangle but it had lights and codes in another language going through it. All of a sudden it started blinking faster and a sound was coming from it. I didn't know what to do with it and I wasn't in a position to call anyone. So, I just threw that thing through that weird window into the hallway. I quickly pulled up my pants and was bracing my self for an explosion while sitting on the toilet. But, there wasn't one. Then there was a loud sound and people screaming. I looked out the window to see this robot/alien thing was a red eye scanning and looking around. While he was doing that he was shooting a gun. People where yelling and running there was so much confusion out there. Then it seemed as if he could see through the window. I got off the toilet and flatten my self against the brick wall. Hoping that he wouldn't be able to see me. Then he left I assumed going down the hallway. I could still hear the screams of my co-workers out in the hallway. What was going on?

A voice in the bathroom called my name. Who was it and how did they know I was in here? The voice said quick Alexandria we need to leave before the XP60 gets back. Ok, now I didn't know what to think. This guy know what that thing was. Then I realized who the voice was, it was my client. I came out and asked how he knew what that thing was and that it would be back. He said that he would explain but we had to leave. I asked where his escort was but as we walked out I pretty much figured what had happened. There where bodies everywhere. People reaching and asking for help and others hobbling down the hallway in the opposite direction of that thing trying to get out. Mass Chaos.

Mike my client pulled me into my office. "Hey wait I thought we were getting out of here".

Mike said, "Not yet, you having something locked up in the cabinet that we will need".

I through him the kids and went into the small changing room that was connected to my office. I needed my tennis shoes if we where going to be traveling. These high hills that I have on will not be any good to me. As I was changing Mike came into the room. I had also decided that slack wouldn't be good either and was putting my jeans on.

"We have no time for this", mike said.

I then started crying as if everything that had just happened came flooded into my body. Mike grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me. I placed my forehead on his shoulder and asked "how do you know about the thing".

Mike then said, "I am not from your planet. I am from a very distance planet in what you call the Tolfrac area of space. Now come we must leave."

I felt a warm feeling in my stomach as we where embracing one another. I pulled my head off his shoulder and our lips touched. I couldn't believe I was kissing an alien but I had wanted to do this since the day I met Mike. What was going to happen I didn't know but I felt safe with Mike.